Klaudia ‘Pearce’ Krish, is a worker at Solo Safari, which is on the rise. Starting from his love of animals, he is now popular because he is said to resemble the artist Pevita Pearce and has left visitors and netizens stunned. Starting from visitors who recorded her activities while on duty, now Klaudia often appears on various media channels, both local and national.

Klaudia’s popularity started from amateur videos of Solo Safari visitors. At that time, he was on duty guiding tourists and explaining facts about otters, animals similar to otters.

In the middle of guiding him to see the actions of the otter ‘Lilo and Milo’, he was recorded by a visitor with the caption on the video “Her focus is similar to Pevita,” wrote the uploader @Fitriastyas on TikTok. Netizens responded to confirm Klaudia’s similarity to artist Pevita Pearce and made her name even more soar.

Klaudia, a 22 year old woman, is indeed a Customer Experience at Solo Safari, an animal park located on the former land of the Taru Jurug Animal Park, not far from Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. He is tasked with guiding and educating tourists about the animals they visit.

Love with animals

Apparently, Klaudia has only joined Solo Safari for about 7 months. However, his love for animals goes back a long way. And that’s what brought him to work at Solo Safari.

Initially, Klaudia worked as an office employee in Solo. However, he admits that he has an interest and loves animals and keeps two dogs at home. The pair of dogs become friends when they are tired of work or have personal problems.

Apart from that, he also easily brings home animals that he finds and need his help. For example, when he cared for a bird that had fallen because it had just learned to fly. He acts like an animal guardian by treating the animal’s wounds.

Apart from that, he is not picky when it comes to keeping animals. He also kept everything from betta fish to chameleon reptiles.

“It’s not just animals that can be looked after, like I once looked after a bird that fell because it was just learning to fly, I brought it home, I gave it medicine, like that. Betta fish, I have Betta fish, I got so many of them, so I “I like the animals from there. Then, chameleons, I found a chameleon, I kept it for a while before I finally released it again, like that. So I really like that,” said Klaudia when interviewed by indtravel, Monday (15/1/2024 ).

His journey into customer experience was honed when he studied at SMK Negeri 7 Surakarta majoring in broadcasting. This scientific provision also influences his ability to communicate and convey information related to animals to Solo Safari visitors.

His talent in the world of entertainment has actually been felt for a long time. He also admitted that he often plays singing gigs in several places during his busy schedule.