Penutupan Tirai di Depan Gunung Fuji

Jepang – Gunung Fuji, ikon alam Jepang yang memukau, selalu menjadi magnet bagi wisatawan dari seluruh dunia. Namun, baru-baru ini, sebuah kejadian unik menarik perhatian: tirai besar dipasang untuk menghalangi pandangan langsung ke Gunung Fuji dari sudut-sudut pandang tertentu. Mengapa tirai ini dipasang? Apa cerita menarik di balik penutupan ini? Mari kita telusuri bersama.

Awal Mula Pemasangan Tirai

Pada awal tahun 2024, komunitas kecil di kaki Gunung Fuji memutuskan untuk memasang tirai besar di beberapa titik pandang utama yang biasa dikunjungi wisatawan. Tirai ini, yang dikenal dengan sebutan noren, biasanya digunakan di pintu masuk rumah atau restoran di Jepang sebagai penanda dan pelindung privasi. Namun, kali ini, noren berfungsi untuk menutupi pemandangan alam yang paling ikonik di Jepang.

Alasan di Balik Penutupan

Alasan utama di balik pemasangan tirai ini adalah untuk melestarikan dan menghormati keagungan Gunung Fuji. Dalam budaya Shinto, Gunung Fuji dianggap sebagai tempat suci yang dihuni oleh roh leluhur dan dewa. Komunitas setempat merasa bahwa pandangan terbuka dan tidak terbatas ke gunung ini, terutama oleh wisatawan yang sering kali kurang menghargai kesakralannya, bisa mengurangi nilai spiritual dan kesuciannya.

Selain itu, ada keprihatinan tentang dampak negatif dari pariwisata massal terhadap lingkungan sekitar Gunung Fuji. Sampah, polusi, dan perilaku tidak hormat dari beberapa wisatawan telah mengancam keseimbangan ekologis dan spiritual tempat tersebut.

Reaksi dari Masyarakat dan Wisatawan

Penutupan ini memicu berbagai reaksi dari masyarakat dan wisatawan. Sebagian besar warga setempat dan para pendukung budaya Jepang menghargai langkah ini sebagai bentuk penghormatan terhadap tradisi dan alam. Mereka melihatnya sebagai upaya untuk mengingatkan bahwa Gunung Fuji lebih dari sekadar objek wisata; ia adalah simbol spiritual yang mendalam bagi Jepang.

Namun, tidak semua orang setuju. Wisatawan dan fotografer yang datang jauh-jauh merasa kecewa karena tidak bisa mendapatkan pandangan langsung tanpa halangan. Beberapa pihak bahkan menyuarakan keluhan mereka melalui media sosial, mengkritik langkah ini sebagai tindakan yang tidak adil dan merugikan industri pariwisata.

Menghormati Alam dan Tradisi

Kisah tirai penghalang di depan Gunung Fuji adalah cerminan dari ketegangan antara tradisi dan modernitas. Jepang, dengan sejarah panjang dan budaya yang kaya, sering kali harus menemukan keseimbangan antara mempertahankan tradisi kuno dan menghadapi tuntutan zaman modern. Langkah komunitas lokal ini adalah salah satu contoh bagaimana tradisi kuno tetap relevan dan dihormati di era digital ini.

Kisah di Balik Tirai

Menurut legenda setempat, tirai yang digunakan untuk menutup pandangan ke Gunung Fuji tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai penutup fisik, tetapi juga sebagai pelindung spiritual. Dikatakan bahwa tirai tersebut melindungi gunung dari energi negatif dan menjaga keseimbangan alam. Setiap tirai yang dipasang dibuat dengan penuh perhatian dan diberkati oleh pendeta Shinto setempat untuk memastikan bahwa fungsinya sebagai pelindung spiritual terpenuhi.

Pelajaran dari Penutupan Ini

Penutupan ini memaksa pengunjung untuk berhenti sejenak dan merenung tentang makna dan nilai dari pemandangan yang biasanya mereka ambil begitu saja. Wisatawan didorong untuk mendekati Gunung Fuji dengan sikap hormat dan penuh kesadaran. Pengalaman ini mengajarkan pentingnya menghormati dan menghargai alam serta warisan budaya yang mendalam.

Fakta Rafah : Kisah Tragis dari Kota Perbatasan

Rafah – Di tengah hiruk-pikuk berita internasional, Rafah, sebuah kota di perbatasan antara Jalur Gaza dan Mesir, kembali menjadi sorotan dunia. Rafah dikenal sebagai salah satu titik panas dalam konflik berkepanjangan antara Israel dan Palestina. Baru-baru ini, kota ini mengalami serangkaian serangan bom yang menghancurkan banyak infrastruktur dan mengorbankan nyawa tak berdosa. Berikut adalah fakta-fakta yang mengungkap tragedi terbaru yang menimpa Rafah, dikemas dalam cerita yang menarik dan mendalam.

Sejarah Singkat Rafah

Rafah, kota yang terletak di ujung selatan Jalur Gaza, memiliki sejarah panjang sebagai jalur perlintasan penting antara Gaza dan Mesir. Kota ini sering kali menjadi saksi bisu dari berbagai konflik dan kekerasan akibat lokasinya yang strategis. Terowongan bawah tanah yang menghubungkan Rafah dengan Mesir sering digunakan untuk menyelundupkan barang-barang dan persenjataan, menjadikannya target utama dalam berbagai operasi militer.

Serangan Terbaru: Kronologi Kejadian

Pada awal Mei 2024, serangkaian serangan bom menghantam Rafah, mengakibatkan kehancuran besar dan menimbulkan korban jiwa. Serangan tersebut terjadi di tengah malam, ketika banyak warga sedang tidur, sehingga menambah jumlah korban yang terluka dan tewas. Ledakan pertama terdengar sekitar pukul 2 pagi, diikuti oleh beberapa ledakan lainnya yang menghancurkan bangunan-bangunan dan infrastruktur kota.

Dampak Terhadap Warga Sipil

Warga Rafah yang sudah lama hidup di bawah bayang-bayang konflik kini harus menghadapi situasi yang semakin sulit. Rumah-rumah, sekolah, dan fasilitas kesehatan hancur akibat serangan tersebut. Banyak keluarga kehilangan tempat tinggal dan harus mengungsi ke tempat yang lebih aman. Cerita dari para korban sungguh memilukan; banyak di antara mereka kehilangan anggota keluarga dan menghadapi trauma yang mendalam.

Reaksi Internasional

Berita tentang pemboman di Rafah segera menyebar ke seluruh dunia, memicu berbagai reaksi dari komunitas internasional. PBB dan berbagai organisasi kemanusiaan mengutuk serangan tersebut dan menyerukan segera diadakannya gencatan senjata. Bantuan kemanusiaan mulai mengalir ke Rafah, meskipun distribusinya sering terhambat oleh situasi yang tidak aman.

Upaya Penyelamatan dan Bantuan

Tim penyelamat dan relawan segera dikerahkan untuk membantu para korban dan mencari orang-orang yang masih terjebak di bawah reruntuhan. Rumah sakit darurat didirikan untuk merawat mereka yang terluka, sementara bantuan makanan dan air bersih disalurkan ke daerah-daerah yang terkena dampak paling parah. Kisah heroik dari para relawan yang mempertaruhkan nyawa mereka untuk menyelamatkan orang lain menjadi sorotan media.

Harapan di Tengah Kesedihan

Di tengah tragedi ini, ada secercah harapan yang muncul dari solidaritas dan bantuan kemanusiaan yang diberikan. Masyarakat internasional semakin menyadari penderitaan warga Rafah dan mendesak para pemimpin dunia untuk mencari solusi damai yang adil dan berkelanjutan. Cerita-cerita tentang keberanian dan ketahanan warga Rafah menginspirasi banyak orang untuk tidak menyerah pada situasi yang sulit.

Destinasi Menarik untuk Liburan yang Tak Terlupakan Wisata di Bali 2024

Bali, pulau dewata yang kaya akan budaya dan keindahan alam, selalu menjadi destinasi liburan favorit. Tahun 2024 tidak berbeda, dengan banyaknya tempat menarik yang bisa dikunjungi. Baik Anda mencari petualangan, relaksasi, atau pengalaman budaya, Bali memiliki segalanya. Berikut adalah beberapa destinasi wisata di Bali yang wajib Anda kunjungi pada liburan tahun 2024.

1. Pantai Pandawa

Pantai Pandawa di bagian selatan Bali terkenal dengan pasir putihnya yang lembut dan air laut yang jernih. Pantai ini dikelilingi oleh tebing kapur yang menambah keindahan alami. Pantai Pandawa juga menawarkan berbagai kegiatan seperti kayaking, parasailing, dan berenang.

2. Taman Nasional Bali Barat

Bagi pencinta alam dan petualangan, Taman Nasional Bali Barat adalah destinasi yang sempurna. Taman ini menawarkan berbagai aktivitas seperti trekking, bird watching, dan snorkeling di Pulau Menjangan yang terkenal dengan keindahan bawah lautnya. Anda juga bisa melihat berbagai satwa liar dan flora khas Bali.

3. Pura Lempuyang Luhur

Pura Lempuyang Luhur adalah salah satu pura tertua dan paling dihormati di Bali. Pura ini terletak di Gunung Lempuyang dan terkenal dengan Gerbang Surga (Gate of Heaven) yang menawarkan pemandangan Gunung Agung yang spektakuler. Mengunjungi pura ini memberikan kesempatan untuk merasakan kedamaian dan spiritualitas Bali.

4. Ubud

Ubud adalah pusat budaya dan seni Bali. Anda bisa mengunjungi Monkey Forest, berbelanja di Pasar Seni Ubud, atau menikmati pertunjukan tari tradisional di Pura Dalem Ubud. Selain itu, Ubud juga menawarkan berbagai kelas yoga dan workshop seni, serta kafe dan restoran yang menyajikan makanan sehat dan lezat.

5. Desa Penglipuran

Desa Penglipuran adalah salah satu desa adat Bali yang masih mempertahankan arsitektur tradisional dan budaya lokal. Desa ini dikenal sebagai salah satu desa terbersih di dunia. Mengunjungi Desa Penglipuran memberikan pengalaman unik untuk melihat kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Bali yang autentik.

6. Air Terjun Sekumpul

Air Terjun Sekumpul, yang terletak di daerah Singaraja, adalah salah satu air terjun terindah di Bali. Terdiri dari beberapa aliran air yang mengalir deras dari ketinggian, air terjun ini dikelilingi oleh hutan tropis yang subur. Perjalanan menuju air terjun ini cukup menantang, tetapi pemandangan yang menakjubkan sepadan dengan usaha yang dikeluarkan.

7. Pantai Amed

Pantai Amed di timur Bali adalah surga bagi penyelam dan snorkeler. Pantai ini terkenal dengan keindahan terumbu karangnya dan kehidupan laut yang beragam. Anda juga dapat menemukan bangkai kapal USS Liberty yang tenggelam, yang kini menjadi habitat bagi berbagai spesies laut.

8. Danau Batur

Danau Batur adalah danau vulkanik yang terletak di kaldera Gunung Batur. Anda bisa menikmati pemandangan danau dari Desa Penelokan atau mendaki Gunung Batur untuk melihat matahari terbit yang memukau. Di sekitar danau, Anda juga bisa berendam di pemandian air panas alami.

9. Pantai Nusa Dua

Pantai Nusa Dua terkenal dengan pasir putihnya yang halus dan resor mewahnya. Ini adalah tempat yang sempurna untuk relaksasi dan menikmati fasilitas kelas dunia. Anda juga bisa mencoba berbagai olahraga air seperti jet ski, banana boat, dan snorkeling.

10. Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot adalah salah satu pura laut terkenal di Bali yang terletak di atas batu karang besar di tepi laut. Pura ini terkenal dengan pemandangan matahari terbenamnya yang menakjubkan. Tanah Lot juga merupakan tempat yang sakral dan banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan yang ingin menikmati keindahan alam dan budaya Bali.

Kemunculan IKN Ibu-kota Indonesia pada Tahun 2045: Tahun Emas Saat masa Depan

Indonesia sudah masuk zaman yang memikat dengan pembangunan Ibu-kota Negara baru yang mempunyai tujuan menjadi pusat aktivitas pemerintah, ekonomi, dan budaya. Tahun 2045 mengidentifikasi tiang sejarah yang terpenting untuk Indonesia, di mana Indonesia maju dalam rencana capai status sebagai negara maju. Dalam artikel berikut, kita akan menelusuri kemunculan yang mengagumkan dari Ibu-kota Negara Indonesia (IKN) di tahun 2045, sebuah pandangan masa datang yang cemerlang.

Tata Kota Kekinian dan Berkesinambungan

IKN di tahun 2045 jadi contoh tata kota kekinian yang dibuat berkesinambungan. Bangunan-bangunan pencakar langit yang istimewa menghias cakrawala, tapi juga dibarengi taman-taman yang luas dan ruangan hijau yang terbangun. Angkutan umum yang efektif, seperti kereta cepat dan jaringan transportasi berbasiskan teknologi, menyambungkan semua sisi kota secara lancar, kurangi kemacetan dan pencemaran udara.

Pusat Pengembangan dan Teknologi Terpenting

IKN di tahun 2045 sudah jadi pusat pengembangan dan teknologi terpenting di Asia Tenggara. Kawasan-kawasan seperti area teknologi tinggi dan teritori penelitian dan peningkatan jadi rumah untuk beberapa perusahaan terpenting yang pimpin dalam beragam sektor, dimulai dari kepandaian bikinan sampai energi terbarukan. Kampus dan instansi penelitian di IKN berperanan penting saat memberikan fasilitas perkembangan ekosistem pengembangan yang berkembang cepat.

Keberagaman Budaya dan Kesenian

Sebagai Ibu-kota Negara yang menggambarkan keanekaragaman budaya Indonesia, IKN di tahun 2045 jadi pusat aktivitas budaya dan kesenian yang berbagai ragam. Pameran seni, festival budaya, dan atraksi tradisional jadi sisi dari kehidupan setiap hari di kota ini. Pusat-pusat kebudayaan kekinian dan museum-museum kenang kembali sejarah Indonesia yang kaya, sedangkan ruang-ruang seni alternatif jadi tempat untuk beberapa seniman lokal untuk bergabung dan bekerjasama.

Mekanisme Pendidikan yang Berkualitas dan Rata

Pendidikan jadi konsentrasi khusus dalam pembangunan IKN di tahun 2045. Mekanisme pendidikan yang berkualitas dan rata sudah jadi fokus utama pemerintahan, pastikan tiap masyarakat memperoleh akses yang sama dengan pada pendidikan yang berkualitas. Beberapa sekolah kekinian diperlengkapi tehnologi hebat, sedangkan beberapa universitas terpenting menarik pelajar-siswa dari semua Indonesia dan dunia.


Ibu-kota Negara Indonesia di tahun 2045 jadi deskripsi masa datang yang cemerlang untuk Indonesia. Dengan tata kota kekinian, pusat pengembangan dan tehnologi terpenting, keberagaman budaya dan kesenian, dan mekanisme pendidikan yang berkualitas, IKN jadi cerminan dari misi Indonesia sebagai negara maju dan berdaulat. Dengan kemauan dan usaha keras bersama, Indonesia masuk masa datang yang ceria, di mana kekuatan dan mimpi tiap masyarakat bisa direalisasikan.

Jakarta: A Beautiful City

Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, is a bustling metropolis with a population of over 10 million people. It is a city of contrasts, where old and new collide, and where the traditional and the modern coexist.

History and Culture in Jakarta

Jakarta has a rich history dating back to the 5th century. The city was once known as Sunda Kelapa, a major trading port for spices. In the 16th century, the Portuguese conquered Sunda Kelapa and renamed it Batavia. The city remained under Dutch control for over 300 years until Indonesia gained its independence in 1945.

Jakarta is a melting pot of cultures, with influences from all over Indonesia and the world. The city is home to a diverse population of ethnic groups, religions, and languages. This diversity is reflected in Jakarta’s cuisine, architecture, and arts.

Tourist Attractions

Jakarta has a number of tourist attractions, including:

  • Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII): A miniature park that showcases the different cultures of Indonesia.
  • Ancol Dreamland: An amusement park with rides, water slides, and an aquarium.
  • Kota Tua: The old town of Jakarta, with historical buildings and museums.
  • National Monument (Monas): A 132-meter tall monument that commemorates Indonesia’s independence.
  • Istiqlal Mosque: The largest mosque in Southeast Asia.
  • Cathedral of the Assumption: The largest cathedral in Indonesia.

Shopping and Dining in Jakarta

Jakarta is a shopper’s paradise, with malls and markets selling everything from clothes and electronics to souvenirs and food. The city also has a wide variety of restaurants, serving everything from Indonesian cuisine to international fare.

Getting Around

Jakarta is a large city, and getting around can be a challenge. The best way to get around is by taxi, bus, or train. The city also has a Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system that is currently being expanded.

Where to Stay

Jakarta has a wide variety of hotels, from budget-friendly to luxurious. The best place to stay depends on your budget and preferences.

Jakarta is a beautiful city with a lot to offer visitors. From its rich history and culture to its many tourist attractions, Jakarta is a city that is sure to amaze and delight.

Some additional points to consider:

  • Jakarta is home to a number of beautiful parks and gardens, such as the Taman Menteng and the Kebun Raya Bogor.
  • The city has a vibrant nightlife scene, with bars and clubs open late into the night.
  • Jakarta is a great place to experience Indonesian culture, with traditional dances, music, and food on offer throughout the city.

Middle Eastern Food: A Journey Through Flavors

Middle Eastern food is a diverse and flavorful collection of dishes that reflects the rich history and culture of the region. From hummus and falafel to kebabs and baklava, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Popular Dishes

Some of the most popular Middle Eastern dishes include:

  • Hummus: A creamy dip made from chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, and garlic.
    Gambar Hummus middle eastern food
  • Falafel: Deep-fried balls made from chickpeas or fava beans.
    Gambar Falafel middle eastern food
  • Kebabs: Grilled meat skewers, often served with rice or pita bread.
    Gambar Kebabs middle eastern food
  • Baklava: A sweet pastry made with phyllo dough, nuts, and honey.
    Gambar Baklava middle eastern food

Regional Specialties

Each country in the Middle East has its own unique specialties. Some of the most notable regional dishes include:

  • Lebanese: Tabbouleh, fattoush, kibbeh, shawarma.
  • Egyptian: Koshari, ful medames, molokhia, mahshi.
  • Palestinian: Maqluba, musakhan, knafeh.
  • Moroccan: Tagine, couscous, pastilla.
  • Iranian: Chelo kebab, khoresh, tahdig.


Middle Eastern cuisine is known for its use of fresh, healthy ingredients. Some of the most common ingredients used in Middle Eastern cooking include:

  • Chickpeas: A versatile legume that is used in a variety of dishes, such as hummus and falafel.
  • Fava beans: Another type of legume that is often used in falafel.
  • Tahini: A sesame seed paste that is used in hummus and other dishes.
  • Olive oil: A staple of Middle Eastern cooking that is used for frying, sauteing, and dressing salads.
  • Pita bread: A flatbread that is used to scoop up food or make sandwiches.
  • Rice: A common side dish that is often served with kebabs and other dishes.


Spices are another important ingredient in Middle Eastern cuisine. Some of the most common spices used in Middle Eastern cooking include:

  • Cumin: A warm, earthy spice that is used in a variety of dishes, such as kebabs and stews.
  • Turmeric: A bright yellow spice that has a slightly bitter taste. It is often used in curries and rice dishes.
  • Cinnamon: A sweet, aromatic spice that is used in desserts and savory dishes alike.
  • Sumac: A tart, acidic spice that is used to add flavor to salads and grilled meats.
  • Za’atar: A blend of herbs and spices that is used to season bread and other dishes.

Middle Eastern food is a delicious and diverse cuisine that is sure to please everyone. With its fresh ingredients, flavorful spices, and unique dishes, Middle Eastern food is a culinary journey that is worth taking.

The Maldives: A Tropical Paradise

The Maldives is a chain of islands located in the Indian Ocean, about 700 miles southwest of Sri Lanka. The country is made up of over 1,000 islands, of which about 250 are inhabited. The Maldives is a popular tourist destination, known for its white-sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and luxurious resorts.

What to do in the Maldives

There are many things to do in the Maldives, including:

  • Relaxing on the beach: The Maldives is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Visitors can spend their days swimming, sunbathing, and snorkeling in the clear waters.
    Gambar Relaxing on the beach in Maldives
  • Snorkeling and diving: The Maldives is a great place for snorkeling and diving. The coral reefs around the islands are home to a variety of marine life, including fish, turtles, and sharks.
    Gambar Snorkeling and diving in Maldives
  • Visiting Male: Male is the capital of the Maldives. It is a bustling city with a mix of old and new. Visitors can explore the city’s markets, mosques, and museums.
    Gambar Visiting Male in Maldives
  • Going on a dolphin cruise: Dolphin cruises are a popular activity in the Maldives. Visitors can take a boat trip to see dolphins swimming in the wild.
    Gambar Going on a dolphin cruise in Maldives
  • Taking a sunset cruise: Sunset cruises are another popular activity in the Maldives. Visitors can take a boat trip to watch the sunset over the Indian Ocean.
    Gambar Taking a sunset cruise in Maldives

Where to stay in the Maldives

There are many resorts in the Maldives, ranging from budget-friendly to luxurious. Some of the most popular resorts include:

  • Kurumba Maldives: Kurumba Maldives is a luxury resort located on a private island. The resort has a variety of restaurants, bars, and pools. It also has a spa and a water sports center.
    Gambar Kurumba Maldives resort
  • Soneva Jani: Soneva Jani is another luxury resort located on a private island. The resort has a variety of villas, each with its own private pool. It also has a spa, a water sports center, and an observatory.
    Gambar Soneva Jani resort
  • Baros Maldives: Baros Maldives is a luxury resort located on a private island. The resort has a variety of villas, each with its own private pool. It also has a spa, a water sports center, and a wine cellar.
    Gambar Baros Maldives resort
  • Hurawalhi Island Resort: Hurawalhi Island Resort is a luxury resort located on a private island. The resort has a variety of villas, each with its own private pool. It also has a spa, a water sports center, and an underwater restaurant.
    Gambar Hurawalhi Island Resort in Maldives
  • Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort: Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort is a luxury resort located on a private island. The resort has a variety of villas, each with its own private pool. It also has a spa, a water sports center, and a golf course.
    Gambar Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort

How to get to the Maldives

The Maldives is accessible by plane from a number of countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. The main airport in the Maldives is Male International Airport.

When to go to the Maldives

The best time to visit the Maldives is during the dry season, which runs from November to April. The weather is warm and sunny during this time, with little rain.

Tips for traveling to the Maldives

Here are a few tips for traveling to the Maldives:

  • Book your flights and accommodation well in advance, especially if you are traveling during the dry season.
  • Pack light clothing, as the weather is warm and sunny year-round.
  • Be sure to pack sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat.
  • Bring insect repellent, as there are mosquitoes in the Maldives.
  • The currency in the Maldives is the Maldivian rufiyaa. However, US dollars are widely accepted.
  • Tipping is not expected in the Maldives.
  • The official language of the Maldives is Dhivehi. However, English is widely spoken.

The Maldives is a beautiful and exotic destination that is perfect for a romantic getaway or a family vacation. With its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and luxurious resorts, the Maldives is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Did you know, there is a tree root bridge in Sleman, this is what it looks like

Did you know, natural bridges made from tree roots do not only exist in India, they also exist in Sleman. What does it look like?

In Sleman Regency, specifically in Padukuhan Kurahan IV, Margodadi Village, Kapanewon Seyegan, there is a unique bridge. The bridge is not made of concrete or iron, but from tree roots.

The bridge is made from the roots of preh and white banyan trees which are intertwined and form a bridge. The length of this bridge is about 10 meters.

The beauty of the root bridge is like in Hollywood films. Travelers will feel like they have been invited into a fairy tale when they visit here.

Before it went viral like now, the bridge apparently had a long history with local residents. Previously, the bridge was the main access for residents to get to other villages.

One resident of Kurahan IV, Mangkuharjono (73), said that he did not know exactly when the bridge was built. However, he believes that the tree root bridge has existed for hundreds of years. The bridge itself has been there since he was little.

“When was this root bridge built? I don’t remember, it’s been there since I was little. It’s possible that it has existed since the Japanese era, during the time of my great-grandparents,” said Mangkuharjono when met at the bridge location, some time ago.

As far as he knows, the bridge was originally built from leftover lorry tracks from the sugar factory in Cebongan which were arranged over the Sipolo river. Over time, tree roots spread throughout the tracks. The residents eventually used the bridge to go to other villages and to the rice fields.

“The roots spread to the bridge. So people don’t know if they put them so they spread there, it’s natural,” he explained.

From what he said, this root bridge has become popular again after many cyclists stopped by. The beautiful scenery with various plants such as bamboo, coconut, etc. makes gowesers feel at home resting and taking photos there.

“On Saturday or Sunday morning it will definitely be busy from early morning. Now there are 5 food and drink traders from local residents here,” he explained.

How to Get to the Tree Root Bridge in Sleman

The tree root bridge in Sleman can be reached in about 45 minutes from the Malioboro area. Tourists who want to go there can take Jalan Godean or follow Google Maps by writing the name of the Root Bridge.

To be able to enjoy the beauty of the tree root bridge, tourists only need to pay as willingly as possible. There are no entrance tickets or parking tickets yet.

One of the tourists, Tri (51), a resident of Wirobrajan, Jogja City, deliberately took the time to go to the tree root bridge because he was curious. According to him, this place would be interesting if it could be better managed and conceptualized.

“I came here with my wife on purpose. I found out about it from social media. A friend shared a post recently. Even though they say it’s been around for hundreds of years, it went viral recently,” he said.

He hopes that the management can add several supporting facilities to this tourist destination. According to him, it will also be more interesting when visitors can get an explanation of the history of this bridge.

“This includes unique potential for root bridges because it is natural and cannot be made instantly,” he said.

It’s the Loneliest House on Planet Earth

A whitewashed house on a remote island in Iceland is worthy of being named the loneliest house on planet Earth.

Just try to imagine living here, without neighbors and crowds. On the right and left, there is only green grass as far as the eye can see. The house is not imaginary, but it really exists.

The house is on Ellidaey Island which is part of the Vestmannaeyjar Islands area, in the southern part of Iceland. Many people call it the loneliest house in the world, because there is only one house on the island. Tourists also became curious.

Quoted from On Manorama, Ellidaey Island is the third largest island in the Vestman Archipelago, which consists of around eighteen small islands. There is not much fauna on the island except for a Nordic bird species called the puffin.

Ellidaey Island itself only has stretches of grassland and hills, without a single tree. Pay attention again, there is a unique curve like the letter ‘U’.

In the middle of that arch, there is the loneliest house in the world. Many rumors circulated about the house.

Some believe the house was built by a billionaire who was preparing to move there if the apocalypse occurred.

So, what is the history of this house?

About 300 years ago, the island of Ellidaey was inhabited by five families. They live here because they want to find peace, as well as to hunt puffins (Fratercula cirrhata).

This bird is often found on islands around the Atlantic Ocean. This medium-sized bird has a distinctive characteristic, namely its bright and thick beak, and yellow legs.

In the following two centuries, many people on Ellidaey Island moved. This is due to depleting natural resources, as well as wanting to find a better life.

Most of them moved to mainland Iceland and continued to live by raising cattle and other animals.

Until 1930, Ellidaey Island was completely abandoned by its inhabitants. So this island is completely empty.

In 1953, the Ellidaey Hunting Association, a community of puffin hunters on Ellidaey, built a large lodge on the island.

Every few years, members of the community would come there to spend the night and hunt puffins. After that, the house was empty and uninhabited.

The house has no electricity, no internet and no plumbing. Members of the Ellidaey Hunting Association community who spend the night get water from dew or collect rain.

They are also required to carry a large supply of water to survive. Until now, the house on Ellidaey Island is still very well maintained.

Unfortunately tourists are prohibited from staying overnight, only members of the Ellidaey Hunting Association community are allowed to come to his house and spend the night there.

But don’t be disappointed, several tour operators in Iceland such as Rib-Safari offer speed boat tours to Ellidaey Island. From above the sea, tourists can take photos of Ellidaey Island and see from afar the loneliest house in the world.

Maldives and India’s feud is getting hotter, choose to be friendly with China

The feud between the Maldives and India is getting hotter. The Maldives dared to expel the Indian soldiers guarding the country. They chose to be friendly with China.

The feud started with a post by Indian PM Narendra Modi when he visited Lakshadweep, an island region in India which is one of India’s eight union territories in the Arabian Sea.

The post was commented on by three Maldives deputy ministers, Maryam Shiuna, Malsha Shareef, and Abdulla Mahzoom Majid.

Initially, Deputy Minister of the Maldives Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Information and Arts, Abdulla Mahzoom Majid, commented on PM Modi’s post on X by saying that India would face big challenges if it competed with the Maldives in beach tourism.

The tweet also said that India was dirty and smelly. The tweet was later deleted. However, Indian netizens had already recorded and distributed the tweet.

Another Maldives Deputy Minister added to the heat by calling Modi a clown, terrorist and Israeli puppet on social media platform X. Reading these comments, Indian citizens were angry. They responded by collectively canceling their holidays to the Maldives and boycotting it.

The problems don’t stop there. The President of Maldives, Mohamed Muizzu then expelled Indian troops from the country’s territory on Monday (15/1).

India is known to have deployed 80 troops on the small Maldives islands to support the country’s military equipment. The presence of the army is also to assist humanitarian activities there.

However, Muizzu then proposed eliminating the presence of Indian troops in the Maldives in a meeting attended by senior diplomats from both countries.

“In this meeting, on behalf of President Muizzu, the Maldivian delegation proposed the removal of Indian soldiers as of March 15,” said Policy Director of the Office of the President of the Maldives, Ahmed Nazim, quoted by Reuters.

India’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not yet responded to the Maldives’ plan to immediately expel its country’s troops from the island nation.

Under Muizzu’s administration, the Maldives chose to further strengthen their friendly relations with China. The President also visited Beijing last week, while agreeing on a comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

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